DiagBox Beta

Change the background and text color of Command Prompt partially so that it does not interfere with .BAT readings via this utility

Changing the command prompt color in Windows can be done by accessing the Fond tab in the Properties section or by simply typing color/? directly in the console. Unfortunately, the available colors provided by these methods are rather limited. DiagBox is a tiny tool designed to help users partially alter the color for Command Prompt with more options.
According to the developer, there is a difference between the tool and the classic methods of changing colors, namely that the app does not alter all text color like the classic methods. More often than not, having all text color changed can make .BAT harder to read.
Thanks to the tool, users can just add a pair of HEX digits to make the modification, where the first digit is the background, whereas the second one is the text color. The developer recommends adding a color macro at the beginning of the program to enforce a specific text color, an action that comes in handy for those who changed the colors from the properties already.
It is worth mentioning that the open source utility can also be used as a library to be included in other applications. Therefore, developers interested in using one of the macros declared inside or the actual program should simply #include "diagbox.h" on the app.
215 KB
Update Date
Version Beta
Created By
Matías Israelson
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