Portable Git

Keep track of all file changes using this command-line and portable application for managing source code, featuring rich and simple-to-activate options

This is the portable edition of Git, a command-line application that enables graphic and web designers to keep all versions of a picture or layout, by storing all data in a collection of snapshots taken from a small filesystem.

Portability advantages

Since there is no installation involved, you can extract the archive files to any part of the hard disk and directly run Git. There is also the option to save it to a USB flash disk or other removable storage unit, in order to launch it on any PC easily and without previous installers.
Worth mentioning is that, unlike most installers, Portable Git does not add new entries to the Windows registry or Start menu, thus leaving no traces behind after its removal.

Rich and simple-to-activate commands

Due to the fact that Git is a console application, all its options are accessible from a Command Prompt window. Thus, it is possible to add file contents to the index, locate changes which introduced bugs via binary searches, list, create and delete branches, record changes to the repository, via commit logs, join together two or more development histories, and many others. A user name and email address can be assigned in order to restrict the access of other users.

Evaluation and conclusion

Git did not cause Windows to hang, crash or pop up error dialogs in our tests. Everything worked smoothly in our testing, and the app had minimal impact on computer performance, using low CPU and RAM. Since this is a complex software utility, Git should be handled by advanced users only.