

Change your Extron devices\' network settings, upgrade their firmware version, configure an email server or troubleshoot your Pro Series control systems

If you are working with several Extron devices, you are probably aware how some of their components can be tweaked according to your needs.
Toolbelt is one of the various specialized software solutions that can help you manage your Extron devices with minimum efforts by providing you with multiple relevant tools.

Clear-cut layout

This program comes with a minimalistic, neatly structured user interface that groups its various functions in several menus, letting you access them in a quick, convenient manner.
More so, in case you encounter any difficulties understanding or operating some of its controls, you can turn to its dedicated help manual, which can provide you with useful information.

Extron device toolkit

Toolbelt can help you run various administrative tasks over your Extron devices by providing you with multiple necessary tools. Before you can use it, you need to populate the device list by performing a scan. This operation can be accomplished by hitting the Start Discovery button from the main window.
You can modify device-related network settings, configure and add an email server, upload firmware files, view trace messages and even reboot Pro Series devices remotely.

Firmware uploader utility

This program also features a tool that can help you update the firmware version of your devices in a quick, convenient manner. After you launch the Firmware Uploader component, you can view a list of devices along with additional information about each.
Among the specified details, you can find device type, model, IP address, current firmware version, selected firmware version and update progress. Furthermore, it is possible that you can select multiple devices and update their firmware versions simultaneously.

Handy Extron device manager with firmware update support

All things considered, Toolbelt is a reliable application that can help you manage your Extron devices in a convenient, intuitive manner by providing you with several relevant tools. Its neatly organized interface along with its straightforward functions and detailed help documentation make it highly accessible to numerous users, thus proving itself to be a valuable asset.